The National Contingency Plan for oil pollution in media
an analysis of Folha de São Paulo journal
National Contingency Plan, Folha de São Paulo, Content AnalysisAbstract
Mass media have a fundamental part of understanding socio-environmental subjects. In 2019,
Brazil faced a crisis due to the oil spillage in the ocean, that brought to discussion the National
Contingency Plan – PNC. The event gained international projections and became part of the media
agenda. The objective is to critically discuss the content of Folha de São Paulo about PNC towards
the oil incident, published from 30/08/2019 until 30/01/2020. Three news articles were published
on the subject at hand. This small amount may be related to the fact that the news journal
depended on official sources to inform its readers. The State proved to be incapable of providing
society as a whole about the subject, therefore the selected media showed difficulties in promoting
broad coverage concerning the disaster, compromising the adequate development necessary for
the democratic arena.
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