The public’s turn?
Digital environment and mobilization in Latin America
digital media, mobilizations, Latin AmericaAbstract
Based on a review of the epistemological contributions of the field of political communication and proposing a methodological emphasis on the perception of the “public” in political communication initiatives, this work highlights, in a comparative way, technological variables that surround the routines of citizens in Latin American countries. Especially, those who have experienced recent transitions from democratic, center or right-wing to left-wing regimes. Focusing on Mexico, Argentina, Chile, Colombia and Brazil, it examines, in a comprehensive perspective, the most characteristic digital resources of each country, as well as some of the mobilizations that gained
prominence in those respective national realities, in the midst of discussions about politics in the environment digital. In this way, it associates with efforts to expand the range of regional political communication studies, through the identification and systematization, of a comparative nature, of political communication initiatives managed by Latin American civil society.
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