In search of discursive anchorage sources:
analysis of hiperlinks from Estamos Juntos collective on Telegram
Media Ecosystem, Digital Platforms, Informational LinksAbstract
The article analyzes the hyperlinks published on the Telegram platform by the Estamos Juntos group – a Brazilian collective created in 2020 to combat anti-science and anti-democracy discourses mobilized by the far right in street demonstrations and on social networks. Based on methods of observation, collection, organization and interpretation of digital data, in a quali-quantitative perspective, the research analyzed 1,069 hyperlinks between June 8 and September 6, 2020, to identify digital tracks and associative trails that indicated which sources the members of Estamos Juntos used to guide their debates. It was found that the narratives produced by traditional groups in the Brazilian media anchored the majority of the information that circulated within the group, dedicating little space to alternative sources.
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