The landscapes of mega sporting events before, during and after the Pandemic

The case of the Rio de Janeiro Marathon




Rio Marathon, Landscape transition, Merchandise City, Wonderful city


Mega sporting events attract media, public and financial return to their venues (ARANTES, 2020). At the beginning of the Pandemic in 2020, the Olympics were postponed because they attracted concentrations of people, but some sporting events remained at the height of the Pandemic in virtual mode, such as the Rio de Janeiro Marathon (COUTO and FREITAS, 2023). In this article, we will address how the landscapes of mega sporting events were transformed before, during and after the Pandemic. For this, two methodologies will be adopted: ethnography (GEERTZ, 2008), with trips to the field and observant participation (PERUZZO, 2014). It is observed that the Rio Marathon explored the imaginary landscape of the Marvelous City during the Pandemic and with the release of physical activities by Rio Mayor Office´s, it created a trans-aesthetic and spectacular landscape in 2022.


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Author Biography

Tatiana Cioni Couto, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro - UERJ

Doutora em Comunicação pela Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ). Docente na área de Comunicação em jornalismo e marketing. Consultora autônoma de marketing digital do Sebrae Nacional.


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How to Cite

Cioni Couto, T. (2024). The landscapes of mega sporting events before, during and after the Pandemic: The case of the Rio de Janeiro Marathon. Revista ALCEU, 24(52), 158–175.



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