Ethics and plagiarism policy 

ALCEU is committed to academic transparency and scientific rigor. The Graduate Program in Social Communication at PUC-Rio works to continuously improve its views through Alceu, revising the editorial line and decisions of the journal accordingly.

Since the process of publishing this genre of periodical generally involves three main “actors”, we take the liberty of briefly describing the horizon of practices we seek to cover with each one of them. Evidently, these procedures are meant to benefit the readership, which is the sphere common to all.

. Editors:
Editors are responsible for the periodical together with the Editorial board. They oversee the quality and regularity of published texts. Freedom of expression is a central concern in keeping with academic rigor and the transparency of the publishing process. Therefore, the editors of Alceu are committed to preventing purely commercial interests and other sorts of conflict.

Editors are also committed to the double-blind peer review policy, mediating exchanges between authors and reviewers to guarantee their anonymity. Contributors’ information in our database are not used for any purpose beyond publishing the journal nor shared with other parties.

Authors, reviewers, readers, and institutions may contact us for inquiries about text adjustments and any additional clarification. Should we identify and confirm any irregularity, we will take the appropriate steps, which includes the possibility of rejecting the submitted manuscript.

. Authors:
- Authors are responsible for their texts and the ideas they convey. They must commit to the good ethical practices of the scientific field by referencing sources and repudiating plagiarism;
- Funding institutions, whether public or private, academic or not, involved in the research for the submitted manuscript should be duly acknowledged. Authors must inform their affiliations to assure there is no conflict of interest in the publication of academic research.
- Noticing any error or inaccuracy in a work published in the ALCEU journal, they must communicate to the editors so that the necessary corrections are made and indicated in the article published in question;
- Experiments with living beings must follow current legal procedures and be properly documented so that fictional cases are not taken as real research.
- Submissions in Portuguese should follow the New Orthographic Agreement (decree nº 6.583).

. Reviewers:
- Editors count with the support of reviewers and their immediate communication when detecting cases of plagiarism and simultaneous submission to other periodicals.
- Reviews should be based exclusively on intellectual criteria. Editors and authors expect recommendations for the acceptance or rejection of manuscripts to be properly justified through arguments laid out in a conversational tone.
- If blind review of a text is not possible for any reason, editors should be immediately informed so they may assign the manuscript to other reviewers.
- Reviewers should contact editors immediately in case they find themselves unable to meet the deadline for reading the manuscript and responding to the journal.