Communication through the digital social networks:

Contributions to the health promotion


  • Alexandre Morais Nunes Universidade de Lisboa



Internet, Digital social networks, Health promotion, Prevention of disease


Communication in the XXI century gained new horizons with the development of the internet and the exponential spread of social networks over the world, crossing oceans and continents. Among the numerous advantages of social networks, the most important is the communication between users (by message, post, photo or video) to promote good health habits, prevent diseases and preserve their lives. With the tremendous growth of users of online social networks like facebook, instagram
and the twitter is appropriate to take advantage of these resources to promote health and raise awareness of the population, especially the people with literacy deficit (more vulnerable). This article presents some strategies already used and others, that could be implemented, to promote a better health status.


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Author Biography

Alexandre Morais Nunes, Universidade de Lisboa

Doutor em Administração da Saúde (Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas da Universidade de Lisboa). Coordenador-Adjunto da Escola de Administração e Gestão de Saúde da Universidade de Lisboa



How to Cite

Morais Nunes, A. . (2019). Communication through the digital social networks:: Contributions to the health promotion. Revista ALCEU, 19(38), 129–141.