Transcendental Pragmatics and Discourse Ethics:

Topics about the communication community in Karl-Otto Apel


  • Drauzio Rodrigo Macedo Gonzaga PUC-Rio



Community, Pragmatic, Transcendental, Ethics, Argument, Intersubjectivity


The text intends to present, in the form of coordinated topics, the first part of Karl-Otto Apel’s philosophical “architectural” in which he defines the fundamental principles of an ethics of discourse as significantly present and presupposed condition of ideas in every communication community. Apel’s transcendental reflection operates a transformation of classical and modern philosophy shifting the idea of truth elaborated by a solitary and subjective consciousness that logically chains sentences
from sentences to the construction of consensus between pragmatically interactive subjects and according to a priori conditions whose negation would inevitably place the interlocutors in performative self-contradiction. These topics do not refer to the second part of Apel’s “architectural” that deals which the problems of the application of ethics of responsibility in the real community of communication, from a strategic-teleological perspective.


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Author Biography

Drauzio Rodrigo Macedo Gonzaga, PUC-Rio

Possui graduação em Ciências Sociais pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (1972) e doutorado em Filosofia pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (1995). Tem experiência na área de Filosofia, com ênfase em filosofia grega, atuando principalmente nos seguintes temas: política e filosofia. 



How to Cite

Rodrigo Macedo Gonzaga, D. . (2019). Transcendental Pragmatics and Discourse Ethics:: Topics about the communication community in Karl-Otto Apel. Revista ALCEU, 19(38), 198–218.