Se Benze que Dá

the right to the city and the well-wishing images in the Favela da Maré (RJ)




social rights, counter-archive, memory, Photography


This article discusses the confluences between the Se Benze que Dá carnival block, in Favela da Maré, Rio de Janeiro, the struggles for the right to the city and the photographic documentation carried out by members of the block, as part of a strategy of memory production and political imagination. The text is based on the hypothesis that photographs play a central role in producing visibility of residents' struggles and in the construction of counter-archives and other narratives and imaginaries of/in Maré, based on the powers of the favela and feelings of belonging. and solidarity. In dialogue with the thoughts of Nicholas Mirzoeff, João Ripper, Ariela Azoulay and Tina Campt, the text seeks to discuss the role of images in these struggles and in the processes of documentation and self-representation in Maré, in the context of the actions promoted by the bloc.


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Author Biographies

Fernando Goncalves, PPGCOM-UERJ

Doutor em Comunicação e Cultura pela UFRJ e professor no PPGCOM-UERJ

Fábio Gama Soares Evangelista, PPGCOM-UERJ

Doutorando em Comunicação no Programa de Pós-graduação em Comunicação da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Mestre em Educação, Cultura e Comunicação em Periferias Urbanas pela FEBF - UERJ.


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How to Cite

Goncalves, F., & Gama Soares Evangelista, F. (2024). Se Benze que Dá: the right to the city and the well-wishing images in the Favela da Maré (RJ). Revista ALCEU, 24(54), 138–161.


