La reconfiguración de la esfera pública en las redes sociales

Nociones para entender la discusión ecuatoriana en Facebook




Facebook, Public sphere, Private sphere, Social networks, Communication, Social interaction


Social networks have changed the configuration of the public sphere built through the twentieth century, taking elements that used to be part of the private sphere. These spheres are essentials for the formation of modern societies, and they defined by the concepts developed by the Greek philosophers; also have a similarity to the one that have been build inside the cyberspace. Facebook, for this specific case, becomes a critical perspective space to public events happening in Ecuador, so it will serves as one of the key places where public opinion is debated, socializes, deliberates and monitors the avatars that sometimes are hidden or biased by issuers of information and media. This paper will consider this reconfiguration analyzing the information provided by users to understand the state of the Ecuadorian discussion through this platform during the catastrophe on 16 April 2016. For this purpose, an observation tool has been build that categorized the elements that shape the public and private spheres to establish the transfer of the endogenous to exogenous. The sample was for convenience, due to the extensive information we have about this event, and analyzed the first 48 hours of the interactions of users of this platform.


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Author Biographies

Grace Zurita, Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí

Investigadora y docente, Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí (Ecuador).

María Belén Vásquez, Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí

Investigadora y docente, Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí (Ecuador).



How to Cite

Zurita, G., & Vásquez, M. B. (2017). La reconfiguración de la esfera pública en las redes sociales: Nociones para entender la discusión ecuatoriana en Facebook. Revista ALCEU, 17(34), 163–179.



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