A bedside book and a camera in hand
literary circulation and consumption in the contemporary world
Cultural history, literary field, literary criticism, books and reading, BooktubersAbstract
This article seeks to reflect on the forms of circulation of the book through the performance of a ‘new’ element in its communication circuit, the BookTubers. Readers who expose their literary opinions in cyberspace, these internet users are the voice that for many years remained absent in the literary field: that of unskilled reception. Working with concepts from cultural history (Robert Darnton and Roger Chartier) and the sociology of culture (Pierre Bourdieu), I investigate the nature and properties of this online community to determine its role in the world of books. Taking as a method of examination the model proposed by the American historian Robert Darnton, called communication circuit of the production and reception of books, my conclusion is that BookTubers cause a short circuit in the transmission of printed texts, and, consequently, in the field literary, by shaking the traditional function of criticism, which is to present the book to the reader.
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