Utopia, dystopia... Pandemic!
Future dreaming and temporalization of tomorrow's imagination
Utopia, Dystopia, Future, Imagination, Presentism, TemporalityAbstract
Starting from images of contemporary future’s dream, we have historically stepped back trying to map the weakening of utopian thought and rise of dystopian imagination in our present day. From genealogical gesture, we seek to elucidate how this turn would be related to a temporal experience, and how this relationship has been fructified other future images in another historical moment such as modernity. In this sense, utopia and dystopia are not simply opposed, here they are ways of imagining future closely related to power dynamics and ways of experiencing future time in nowadays. Presentism places us isolated - physically and politically - in a present suffocated by future’s predictions that expands on today that seems to repeat itself. The present becomes the space for action, although time passage is no longer associated with reaching the best place or with modern utopia that breaks out in the future to be perfected and materialized in collective project imagined for tomorrow.
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