Identity, history and language in the poetry of Salgado Maranhão




Afro-Brazilian, fugacity, generosity, impermanence, resilience, solidarity, tradition, utopia


The publication of Pedra de encantaria (2022) is an opportune moment for the reassessment of the vast oeuvre of Salgado Maranhão (1953---), one of the most innovative contemporary poets in the Portuguese language. This article takes as its theoretical starting points Paul Ricoeur's (1913-2005) suggestion that personal identity can only be articulated in the temporal dimension of human existence, as well as the dialectic between tradition and individual talent, proposed in the celebrated eponymous essay by T. S. Eliot (1888-1965). Pedra de encantaria reaffirms and complexifies the inextricable interconnections between the fluidity of identity, the transgressive force of poetic language, the historical, familial and personal importance of Afro-Indigenous-Brazilian culture, and the inescapable palimpsest of Luso-Brazilian poetic tradition, from Camões and Pessoa to Drummond and Faustino, which constitutes the trademark of Salgado’s poetry, always generous and empathetic. This article aims to demonstrate how Pedra de encantaria represents a summa of the author's poetry and poetics. To this goal, it draws links to several of his previous books, such as Ebulição da escrivatura (1978), Punhos da serpente (1989), Palávora (1995), Sol sanguíneo (2002), O mapa da tribo (2013) and Ópera de nãos (2015).


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Author Biography

Luiz Fernando Valente, Brown University - EUA

Doutor em Literatura Comparada e Professor Titular de Estudos Portugueses e Brasileiros e de Literatura
Comparada na Brown University - Department of Portuguese and Brazilian Studies, Providence, Rhode Island, EUA.


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How to Cite

Valente, L. F. (2024). Identity, history and language in the poetry of Salgado Maranhão. Revista ALCEU, 24(53), 75–84.


